Cheese, zucchini and walnut puff pastry

Cheese, zucchini and walnut puff pastry

The cheese, zucchini and walnut puff pastry that I propose today seems like a great alternative as a starter for a holiday, but also a great impromptu dinner weekend. And doing it is so, so easy that it doesn't hurt at all.

Love this type of puff pastry because they are very useful and almost everyone likes them. My favorites are zucchini and I love how delicious this vegetable is cooked in the oven with a little oil. She is not alone furthermore, since the Walnuts give it a crunchy texture and the cheese base has a lot of flavor.

You can play with the cheese you like the most to prepare this recipe. In my case I opted for a cured cheese because I think it provides a very interesting contrast. And I was restrained with it so that it did not overshadow the zucchini, but you can try different options. Tell me how you do it!

The recipe

Cheese, zucchini and walnut puff pastry
The cheese, zucchini and walnut puff pastry is a great choice as a starter or informal dinner. Quick and easy to prepare, you are never too lazy to do it.
Recipe type: Starters
Rations: 6
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • 1 rectangular puff pastry sheet
  • 5 tablespoons of grated cheese
  • 1 small zucchini
  • A handful of walnuts
  • Olive oil
  • Sal Island
  • Pepper
  • Honey (optional)
  1. We preheat the oven to 190ºC with heat up and down.
  2. We start by removing the ends of the zucchini to cut it with the mandoline into slices thin longitudinals.
  3. Once done, we spread the puff pastry on the same paper and place it on the oven tray.
  4. We make a superficial cut to 1,5 centimeters of each edge, so to speak delimiting a rectangle within another.
  5. We prick with a fork the dough from the inner area, leaving the 1,5 centimeter edge unpunched, which will be the one that rises in the oven.
  6. We distribute the cheese grated onto the inner rectangle.
  7. About cheese we place the zucchini slices slightly mounted, one on top of the other,
  8. Once done, season with salt and pepper, drizzle with a splash of olive oil and place in the oven.
  9. Bake 10 minutes at 190ºC.
  10. Then we open the oven, we distribute the nuts cut into pieces on top and sprinkle with a few strands of honey.
  11. To finish we bake 5 more minutes so that the puff pastry finishes cooking.
  12. We serve the freshly made cheese, zucchini and walnut puff pastry.

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