Warm chickpea salad

chickpea, chicken and mushroom salad

Do chickpeas help you lose weight? Yes!. Do not panic in the room, but if you are thinking of doing miracle diets like the pineapple, the artichoke, the killer tomato soup ... you are going astray (the rebound effect). Spring forces us little to leave behind coats and clothes that hide our figure. We are faced with the moment of having to "show off" and the rush to want to lose weight magically and instantly arrives. Well, darlings ... come down from the clouds and grab a nutrition book ... (not the last page of gossip magazines with hoaxes on how to lose weight in 5 days). The secret of a balance diet it is precisely the balance between foods. End. This warm chickpea salad is a perfect example of complete, different and very nutritious salad.

I will start by breaking down topics by telling you that chickpea has a multitude of beneficial properties for the body and can even help you in your diet to lose weight. Has a high water soluble fiber content. . The soluble fiber by increasing the volume in the stomach, gives chickpeas a great satiating capacity and also soluble fiber is very appropriate to fight cardiovascular diseases.

Less drama, and more work when it comes to making the shopping list and looking for imaginative solutions when it comes to cooking.

Warm chickpea salad
This chickpea and chicken warm salad is the perfect dish for take care of the line without depriving yourself of anything. With this fast and easy recipe, it will be much easier to reach the goal of «operation bikini«
Kitchen: Modern
Recipe type: Salads
Rations: 4
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • 1 chicken breast
  • 1 bottle of cooked chickpeas
  • 60 gr of spinach
  • 2 medium mushrooms
  • 1 red onion
  • sesamo
  • lime
  • olive oil
  • shawl
  1. Peel and cut the julienne type onion.
  2. We wash and cut the two mushrooms, also julienne type.
  3. We do the same with the chicken breast.
  4. Squeeze half a lime and pour the juice over the chicken. We reserve in a bowl.
  5. In a frying pan we heat 2 tablespoons of oil and brown the onion.
  6. Add the chicken, previously marinated in lime.
  7. When the chicken has taken color, we include the mushrooms.
  8. We stir over medium heat for 6 minutes and add the spinach.
  9. Sprinkle sesame to taste and continue stirring over medium heat for 5 more minutes.
  10. We turn off the heat, remove the pan and reserve.
  11. We wash and drain the chickpeas. We pour into a large bowl.
  12. Mix all the ingredients with a drizzle of olive oil, the juice of the remaining half a lime and season to taste.
Nutritional information per serving
Calories: 600


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