Veal cheeks in Porto sauce

Veal cheeks in sauce

Today I bring you a recipe for special occasions. Is about veal cheeks in Porto sauce. It is a very healthy recipe that is accompanied by a good special salad It will be a perfect second for this Christmas Eve.

A couple of weeks ago, through twitter, I asked you what it was you wanted to eat these Christmas and the majority answered me that something that could have been done the day before. Well, here you have this recipe for cheeks, easy and simple.

Fresh veal cheeks

Fresh veal cheeks

Ingredients (7 servings)

  • 1 kg. 600 gr. of veal cheeks
  • 1 cebolla great
  • 100 gr. of red pepper
  • Carrots 3
  • 2 garlic
  • 300 ml. port wine
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • olive oil
  • shawl
  • pepper
The veal cheeks can be bought fresh in any butcher shop or frozen (they are very tasty).

Freshly cooked veal cheeks


In a saucepan, sauté the onion, pepper, carrot and garlic over medium-low heat. While it is sautéing, cut the cheeks into pieces. Once it is sautéed, we add the cheeks, flour, salt and pepper and we sauté it, turning it so that the meat is browned a little.

When we have it sautéed, add the wine and let it cook for 2 hours in a saucepan over low heat so that they are very tender.

If you do it in a casserole check that it does not run out of broth, in that case add water or wine as you see. If you do it in a pot, the cooking time will be less (it depends on the pot) and with the liquid from the recipe it will be enough.

Braised cheeks

Once it has finished we separate the vegetables from the meat. It is better to put the coarsely chopped vegetables so that it costs us less to separate it.

Veal cheek sauce

We pass the vegetables and the broth through the blender.

Plate of veal cheeks

We put it back together and voila! We have our plate of cheeks in Porto sauce.

More information - Fruit salad, Christmas recipes

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