Turkey stew with vegetables

Turkey stew

On these dates you will surely want a healthy meal to compensate for the excesses of the holidays. That is why today I bring you a rich and healthy turkey recipe, turkey stew with vegetables.

If you want to complete the diet you can accompany this dish with a Onion cream or a carrot and zucchini cream. Another option is to add more vegetables to this dish and put it as a single dish.

  Turkey stew ingredients


  • 1 kg. turkey stew
  • Carrots 4
  • 1 / 2 cebolla
  • 15 gr. pepper
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 100 gr. frozen peas
  • 1 splash of white wine
  • shawl
  • pepper
  • parsley

Turkey with vegetables recipe


In a saucepan we put the onion, garlic and chopped pepper and sauté it. When it is well sautéed we add the Turkey meat, we brown it all over and add the rest of the ingredients. We keep it cooking for 2 and a half hours.

Once it is cooked, if it has been very soupy, we let it boil over high heat to reduce it.

Enjoy your meal!

More information - Onion cream, Carrot and zucchini cream

More information about the recipe

Turkey stew

Preparation time

Cooking time

Total time

Kilocalories per serving 378

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      Marisa Rodriguez Dominguez said

    Good morning:
    The recipe seems too short. It is not necessary to elaborate on explanations, but neither, the opposite.
    That the rest of the ingredients, with the exception of garlic, onion and pepper, are cooking two hours or more, seems unnecessary and something that does not look good.
    For example, peas do not need more than ten minutes to cook….
    Thank you.
    All the best