The benefits of the egg


We all know that food is a more than important point for the health of our body, that is why we believe that it is essential that in addition to taking a daily amount of vegetables, carbohydrates and fiber, proteins are essential, but everything in its right measure, that is why we will talk today about the benefits of egg.

Thus, it should be noted that eggs are one of the foods that par excellence contains more water and proteins, as well as essential minerals for the proper functioning of the body, as well as for the correct growth of children, because like milk is very rich and nutritious, as long as it is eaten in moderation.

In the same way, tell you that the egg is a food that depending on how it is cooked, it is easier to digest, because as you know it is not the same have an omelette, or a hard-boiled egg, than a fried egg, which contains more oil, and can therefore be more difficult to digest for some people.


On the other hand, it should also be mentioned that the main components of the egg, in addition to having proteins, are calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphate and sodium, as well as vitamin A and iron, being together with fish and liver one of the healthiest foods that can be taken, to provide the body with vitamin D.

Also, you should know that the eggs prevent chronic diseases and it has antioxidant elements, helping vision and memory to function properly, that is why it is more than recommended to eat between 3 and 5 eggs per week, being more advisable to take them fresh, whether they are hard, in an omelette or soaked in water. but as fresh as possible so that they do not lose all their beneficial properties.

So do not hesitate to include this delicious ingredient in your diet, the egg, in the way that you like the most.

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