Yolk sweet, especially for filling desserts

Yolk sweet

This week, I had prepared a very typical dessert for Halloween or the Day of the Dead, the traditional saint's bones. A dessert based on marzipan dough stuffed with a pastry yolk or yolk sweet. Well, I have been very busy and I have only been able to make the sweet yolk, but I promise you that I will make the recipe for the saint's bones.

The sweet yolk is a very simple and quick to fill. It can be used for any type of filling such as the saint's bones that I said before or any bun or cake.


  • 4 yolks.
  • 100 g sugar.
  • 50 ml of water


First, we will put a saucepan over medium heat, where we will pour the water and sugar to get a syrup, that is until it takes consistency.

In addition, we will separate the whites and the yolks, and so we will only keep the yolks. You can use the whites to make a French omelette or some biribiris.

Then, we will add the syrup very little by little to the yolks, without stopping beating, everything energetically until it becomes a kind of homogeneous cream.

Finally, we will let cool and we will be able to fill dessert that we want. I hope you like this sweet yolk and make a lot of cakes.

More information - Pastry cream, filling for all kinds of desserts

More information about the recipe

Yolk sweet

Preparation time

Cooking time

Total time

Kilocalories per serving 386

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