Sweet potato and chorizo ​​omelette

sweet potato and chorizo ​​omelette

Today I bring you a very simple and atypical recipe for sweet potato and chorizo ​​omelette baked. This gastronomic trompe l'oeil looks like a omelette, but is not. Although the texture is identical, the contrast of flavors between the sweet potato and the chorizo ​​seasoning achieves a different bite to which, for now, no one has objected. It is a very practical solution to make consume this tuber to the haters of the sweet potato (there are and many).

In addition, you are in luck because the composition of the Sweet potato it also has a higher energy content than potatoes, determined mostly by complex carbohydrates (starch) and sugars. The latter are responsible for its marked sweet taste. So if you need an extra energy lately, the sweet potato is your ally. The next time you have guests at home, say nothing, and give them a taste of this tapa, you will be surprised (for good) with their reactions.

Sweet potato and chorizo ​​omelette
With this recipe from sweet potato and chorizo ​​omelette you will be surprised how to achieve a texture identical to that of the omelette but with totally surprising nuances, and most importantly: WITHOUT PAN
Kitchen: Modern
Recipe type: Tapas
Rations: 4
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • 6 eggs
  • 3 sweet potatoes
  • 150 gr of chorizo ​​(the super savings pack is perfect for this recipe)
  • milk
  • shawl
  • olive oil
  • rectangular mold 26 cm
  1. We peel the bontatos, cut them into half moons (slice and cut in half) and fry in plenty of oil, just as we would do with potatoes.
  2. Once fried, reserve and season.
  3. In a bowl, beat the eggs and add ¼ glass of milk.
  4. We add the sweet potato to the beaten egg.
  5. Dice the 150 gr of chorizo ​​and add to the bowl.
  6. Preheat the oven to 180º for 15 minutes.
  7. We use a brush to varnish the mold with olive oil (I have used a rectangular one of 26 cm)
  8. We put our pre tortilla in the oven for 30 minutes.
  9. It will be very juicy on the inside and golden on the outside. Enjoy the sweet nuances of the sweet potato!
Nutritional information per serving
Calories: 600


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