Stuffed lettuce buds

Stuffed lettuce buds

Sometimes it is very difficult for us to make a quick recipe that, at the same time, is healthy, since it is normal that lettuce is used for those healthy dinners in the slimming diets. Lettuce itself is usually tasteless, so today we give you a great idea for stuffing its leaves.

This filling can be very varied, depending on the foods that you like the most. In this case, we have filled them with egg and tuna for those unexpected dinners with friends in which it tends to be made quick snacks. With this aperitif you are sure to succeed.


  •  Lettuce buds.
  • 2 cans of tuna.
  • 3 eggs.
  • Olive oil.
  • Salt
  • Slices of ham.

For Mayonnaise:

  • 1 egg.
  • Pinch of salt.
  • A splash of vinegar or lemon juice.
  • Olive oil.


First, we will put cook the eggs in a small saucepan with water for about 12 minutes. After this time we will cool them under the water tap and we will peel them.

Afterwards, we will chop these eggs and put them in a bowl. What's more, we will open the tuna cans, we will eliminate the oil from its interior by draining well and we will also incorporate them into the bowl.

Then, we will make a homemade mayonnaise. In a beater glass, we will arrange the egg and the pinch of salt, we will begin to beat with the mixer and we will add the olive oil little by little, in a fine trickle, so that it binds until the texture of the mayonnaise is achieved.

Finally, we will add the mayonnaise to the bowl and mix well so that everything is integrated. We will fill each leaf of the lettuce buds and we will put half a slice of rolled serrano ham to decorate.

More information about the recipe

Stuffed lettuce buds

Total time

Kilocalories per serving 203

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