Squid with garlic

Calamares al ajillo, a very complete dish, rich and simple. Grilled squid are very good, but if we accompany them with a garlic and parsley sauce they are very flavorful and the cooked potatoes that always go well with many dishes, it is a complete and very good dish to eat for dinner or a starter. .

Squid have very good protein and little fat, it is ideal for weight loss diets, it can be made in many ways, stuffed, in sauce….

Squid with garlic
Recipe type: Fish
Rations: 4
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • 1 kilo of squid
  • 2-3 potatoes
  • 1 lemon
  • 50-100 ml. Of olive oil
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 lemon
  • A handful of parsley
  • Sal Island
  1. To make the squid with garlic, we will start by cleaning the squid. We remove the skin, clean the legs and clean them inside, wash them well under the tap.
  2. This step is usually done in many fishmongers.
  3. We prepare the sauce, in a bowl we put the oil, the garlic cloves, a splash of lemon and a handful of parsley. We crush it, we reserve.
  4. In a flat plate or container, we put the clean and dry squid, we add a little of the sauce, stir so that they catch the mixture and take on the flavor and leave them to marinate for about 30 minutes.
  5. We make some cuts in the squid, when the grill is hot we will put the marinated squid, first the bodies. We leave a few minutes on one side and finish on the other side.
  6. When the bodies are done we end up making the legs, as they are harder you can add a little oil from the sauce we have.
  7. We make some potatoes cooked or in the microwave.
  8. We take a source or a plate, we put slices of cooked potatoes on the base and on top the squid and the legs. We can drizzle with a little more of the garlic oil that we have prepared.


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