Square biscuits of bread, almond and chocolate

Square Bread Crackers

After a celebration at home or after the weekend, it is common to have bread at home. As we can take advantage of stale bread? Asking myself that question, I found these bread biscuits, yes bread. The base of these cookies is achieved by drying stale bread in the oven and later crushing it in the food processor.

To give it flavor the bread is accompanied by chopped almonds and chocolate white, in addition to the usual ingredients in cookie making. A perfect recipe to take advantage of stale bread and that will make us enjoy a sweet and crunchy bite along with the afternoon coffee. Tell me if you dare to try them!

Ingredients (20 units)

  • 70g. sugar
  • 90 g. butter at room temperature
  • 1 egg
  • 150 g. bread crumbs
  • 45 g. pastry flour
  • 2 g. Royal type chemical yeast
  • 25 g. ground almonds
  • 25 g. chopped almonds
  • 2 teaspoons of cream, (35% mat. Fat)
  • 50 g. minced white chocolate
  • A few teaspoons of milk
  • Granulated sugar to "coat" cookies

Square bread biscuits ingredients


Before starting the preparation of the recipe, we must prepare one of the main ingredients, the bread crumbs. For a minimum of 25 minutes, place the stale bread cut into pieces in the oven at 100ºC. Then grind it with the food processor to obtain the breadcrumbs.

In a boll and with the help of electric rods, beat the butter with the sugar. When the mixture is creamy, add the egg and continue beating with the rods until it is completely integrated. Then add the breadcrumbs and the Almond flour and mix with a wooden spoon, lightly.

Then add the flour and yeast, sifted, and knead with your hands to form a loose ball. Then add one or two teaspoons of cream, the necessary ones to achieve by kneading a united and compact dough.

Finally add the chopped almond and chopped chocolate and mix with your hands slightly If you knead it too much the chocolate will melt!

Place the dough on plastic wrap and shape it! You can take advantage of the same cardboard container of the film so that the dough takes square shape. Once done, keep in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

After the hour, take the dough out of the refrigerator and brush it with milk. Following dip it in sugar granulate pressing so that it adheres. Now, you can cut 1 cm cookies. thick approximately.

Bake at 180ºC for 20. Flip the cookies and bake 10-15 more minutes at 160º, until golden brown. Take the cookies out of the oven and let them cool on the rack.

Making cookie dough

More information - Soft chocolate cookies

More information about the recipe

Square biscuits of bread, almond and chocolate

Preparation time

Cooking time

Total time

Kilocalories per serving 85

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