Tenderloin steaks in pepper sauce

Tenderloin steaks in pepper sauce

Steaks are always a good option when we want eat well but we're in a hurry since they are very easy to do. However, sometimes we don't want to eat bland steaks so we give you the idea of ​​accompanying them with a rich and easy pepper sauce and some fried potatoes.

So, today we present you these delicious pepper loin fillets made in just 15 minutes, or even less. This recipe is very comfortable for students and / or singles They don't have much of an idea of ​​cooking and they don't really like it either. Thus, they can learn little by little and with easy and succulent recipes.


  • Loin steaks.
  • 2-3 potatoes.
  • Lemon juice.

For pepper sauce:

  • 200 g of cream for cooking.
  • 1 tablespoon of ground black pepper.
  • 2 teaspoons of ground black pepper.
  • 30 g of butter.
  • 1 tablet of concentrated meat broth.
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • Pinch of salt.


Firstly, macerating the steaks. To do this, we will put it on a flat surface and we will salt it on both sides and then we will arrange it in a deep plate in which we will sprinkle the squeezed lemon juice. This can also be exchanged for a sliced ​​garlic clove or even both.

While macerating the steaks we are peeling and washing the potatoes. In addition, we will cut them into thin bakery-type slices and fry them in plenty of hot oil, then drain them on absorbent paper.

Later, we will do the steaks on a griddle or frying pan that is very hot so that they do not shrink with a drizzle of olive oil. We will turn them around and around so they don't get too dry.

Finally, or while they are being done, we are doing the easy pepper sauce. In a saucepan or frying pan we will put the olive oil and when it warms up a little we will add the butter, then add the black peppercorns. Sauté a little to release its flavor and add the cream to cook it for a few minutes. When it starts to boil, add the pinch of salt, the stock cube and the spoons of ground black pepper, cooking it for a couple of minutes and that's it. We can now wash the steaks and potatoes with this rich sauce.

If you have been wanting more, we recommend that you try the Baked Pork Loin which is also very good.

More information about the recipe

Tenderloin steaks in pepper sauce

Preparation time

Cooking time

Total time

Kilocalories per serving 438

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