Pork sirloin with beer


A perfect recipe to surprise the family, a pork tenderloin with beer. A simple recipe that is prepared in a short time.

The pork tenderloin is a rich and juicy meat, with little fat, very good to prepare in sauces, it is very tender and tasty. We are going to prepare it in the quick cooker one, a quick and easy way to cook.

Pork sirloin with beer
Rations: 6
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • 2 pork tenderloins
  • 1 jar of mushrooms
  • 1 cebolla
  • 1 can of beer
  • Half a glass of water
  • 1 bouillon cube
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 1 hoja de laurel
  • Sal Island
  • Oil
  • Pepper
  1. We prepare the sirloins, clean them of any remaining fat and add salt and pepper.
  2. We put the pot on the fire with a good jet of oil and put the sirloins in it and brown them over high heat on all sides to seal it well. We withdraw
  3. In that same oil we put the chopped onion and leave it for 3-4 minutes to take a little color, next to the onion we put the spoon of flour and stir everything together.
  4. We put the sirloins, add the beer and when it starts to boil we leave it for 3 minutes for the alcohol to evaporate, we put half a glass of water or a glass if we want more sauce, the stock cube and the bay leaf, we cover the pot and when steam starts to come out we leave it for 15-20 minutes, turn off the pot and leave until all the steam has gone out.
  5. We open the can of mushrooms and sauté them in a pan with a little oil.
  6. We remove the meat and when it is warm we can cut it, we pass the sauce through the blender, we put it back in the pot together with the cut meat and the mushrooms, we heat it.
  7. If the sauce is a little runny, dissolve a little cornmeal in a little cold water and we will add it to the sauce.
  8. We put it in a bowl accompanied by the mushrooms.
  9. And ready to eat!!!


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      Carlos said

    Hello, I have made your recipe and followed it point by point as you explain it. After the sirloin was cold I put it in the refrigerator and after 3 hours I tried to cut it. Mission impossible is completely challenged despite having signed the knife well, and that is not the worst, the worst is that it is stiffer. I have asked someone in my family and he tells me that in a pressure cooker it is 10 minutes so it is not fast, much less and you say it is between 15 and 20 minutes. I am not going to try any other recipes of yours, you should make them yourself before writing them. You ruined this dish for me.

      Luis said

    A few days ago I put your wonderful recipe to the test. The truth is that it succeeded, the only thing that changed it was that I only had it in a pot for 10 minutes and it came out juicy and ready to eat. Very good recipe.