Dorada with piquillo pepper sauce


Dorada with piquillo pepper sauce, a very simple dish that we can prepare for any occasion. Dorada is a fish with soft and firm meat, in the fishmonger they can remove the central spine and we will have some great loins without bones to prepare them on the grill.

We can prepare very good dishes without being laborious. This time I prepare a piquillo pepper sauce that goes very well, it is a very simple sauce that you can make to accompany other dishes, such as other fish, meats and even vegetables, it is a very smooth and tasty sauce.

Dorada with piquillo pepper sauce
Recipe type: the 2nd
Rations: 4
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • 4 clean sea bream without bones
  • ½ onion
  • 1 garlic (optional)
  • 7-8 piquillo peppers (One can)
  • 200 ml. cooking cream or evaporated milk
  • Oil
  • Sal Island
  • Pepper
  1. First we prepare the pepper sauce, cut the onion into julienne strips, put it to fry in a frying pan with a little oil and salt.
  2. Halfway through cooking we add the minced garlic, when the onion is browned we add the piquillo peppers cut into strips and a little of the pepper juice.
  3. We let it cook together for 2-3 minutes and we will add the cream to cook, we let it cook until the mixture thickens a little, about 3-5 minutes.
  4. When it is, we will crush it, taste the salt and that's it. If you want a finer sauce, pass it through a strainer.
  5. We will take the clean sea bream without thorns on the loins, we will salt them and put a little pepper, we will make them grilled or baked. When they are we can put them in the sauce or put it as an accompaniment. You can cover the bottom of the plate with the sauce and put the freshly made bream on top.
  6. And to taste !!!


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