Scrambled eggs with mushrooms, prawns and ham

Scrambled eggs with mushrooms, prawns and ham

Scrambled eggs invite us to play with the ingredients; mushrooms, crustaceans and vegetables are among the most common ingredients in its preparation. The one that is repeated the most at home is undoubtedly the scrambled eggs with mushrooms, ham and prawns; a simple and exquisite combination at the same time.

There are no secrets to making a good scramble; just have a good raw material and use the right seasonings to enhance its flavor. I particularly like to add the egg out of the fire and that this is cooked with the residual heat; This way it does not set so quickly and we obtain a smoother and juicier result to taste. If you like the result, also try the zucchini or green beans, very healthy!


For two people

  • 1 garlic clove
  • 125 g. sliced ​​mushrooms
  • 25 g. shrimp
  • 1 handful of ham cubes
  • 2-3 eggs
  • Sal Island
  • Ground pepper
  • Olive oil
  • Parsley

Scrambled eggs with mushrooms, prawns and ham


We cut the sliced ​​garlic and fry in oil. We let them brown and remove before they start to burn.

In the same pan, sauté the mushrooms until tender.

Then, we add the ham and the peeled prawns and sauté a couple of minutes so that the flavors are integrated.

Finally, we incorporate the beaten eggs and season. We remove the pan from the heat and with the residual heat we let the egg cook, while we stir the mixture.

Serve immediately, placing the fried garlic on top and sprinkling a little chopped parsley.

More information - Sautéed Zucchini

Scrambled eggs with mushrooms, prawns and ham

More information about the recipe

Scrambled eggs with mushrooms, prawns and ham

Preparation time

Cooking time

Total time

Kilocalories per serving 190

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      Guijuelo ham said

    With these ingredients ... What's not good? A simple and delicious recipe, I love it !!

      Ham Cutter Iván Martínez Burgués said

    This recipe looks very good. It looks easy to do, so I will try it at my home.