Saffron bream with cherrys

Saffron bream with cherrys

Do you like baked fish? If so, this saffron sea bream with cherrys will not leave you indifferent. We have cooked sea bream in very different ways over the years in Cooking Recipes, but I have to admit that saffron gives it a very special touch.

It will not take you long to prepare this Golden baked. If it is small like the one I have prepared this time, it will be done in just half an hour. That if, on the other hand, it could force you to pass the onion through the pan for a few minutes beforehand. This is how I did it to make sure it was very soft.

For the rest, we will only have to take care of placing all the ingredients in the source and take it to the oven. The key here is the mash with which we will brush the sea bream and that includes garlic, parsley and saffron, and the baking time. Don't overdo it or the fish will dry out. Do you need a dessert? Try this no-bake chocolate custard and finish the meal.

The recipe

Saffron bream with cherrys
The saffron bream with cherrys is cooked in the oven and becomes a delicious dish for both day-to-day and big occasions.
Recipe type: Hair
Rations: 2
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • 1 golden
  • 1 white onion
  • 2 dozen cherry tomatoes
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • ½ teaspoon of chopped parsley
  • A few threads of saffron
  • Sal Island
  • 1 lemon
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • ½ glass of white wine
  1. Cut the onion into julienne strips and poach in a pan, with a splash of oil, for five minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, We prepare the mashed. To do this, add the minced garlic, parsley, saffron threads and a pinch of salt to the mortar. We work until almost forming a paste and then add a teaspoon of oil and a little lemon juice. Mix well and reserve.
  3. Then we place the sea bream in a fountain suitable for oven and we spread its interior well with the mashed. We close it and use the remaining mashed to spread the outside of it.
  4. Add the poached onion to the pan, slightly drained, the cherry tomatoes and the lemon in chunks.
  5. We take to the oven and cook at 180ºC for 12 minutes. Then, we open the sea bream, water it with the white wine and let it finish cooking.
  6. We serve the saffron sea bream with hot cherrys.


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