Pumpkin and cured cheese croquettes

Pumpkin and cheese croquettes

These pumpkin and cheese croquettes cured are a delight. There is no one who will not like them at the table and there were not a few of us. Thus it became the surprise among the christmas starters Despite their simplicity, that is why I invite you to try them.

Pumpkin, cheese and onion, those are the main ingredients of these croquettes, besides of course milk, flour and some spices. Don't think that because they are croquettes you will have to work with the bechamel as much as with traditional ones, here everything goes much faster as you will see.

Soft and creamy, The texture of these croquettes is very pleasant. They taste like pumpkin and also like cheese and the orange color gives them a lot of presence. If you like it, choose a cured cheese with character, it will go great with these croquettes. Will you dare to do them?

The recipe

Pumpkin and cured cheese croquettes
These pumpkin and cured cheese croquettes are soft and creamy. A perfect hot starter for a party table or an informal dinner.
Recipe type: Starters
Rations: 5
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • 300 g. clean pumpkin
  • 1 cebolla
  • 150g. cured sheep cheese, grated
  • 50 g. Of flour
  • 40 ml. milk
  • Sal Island
  • Ground black pepper
  • Nutmeg
  • 2 eggs for coating
  • Breadcrumbs for coating
  1. We cut the pumpkin into 8 pieces and we roast in the oven until it is tender, but without letting it fall apart. We can also cook it in the microwave for about eight minutes at maximum power. Then we grind and reserve.
  2. Now, we chop the onion in the chopper so that it is very fine and we sauté it in a large frying pan with a little oil until it begins to take color, about eight minutes
  3. Then, we add the crushed pumpkin and a pinch of salt, pepper and nutmeg and mix.
  4. Now, we add the flour and stir three minutes to cook.
  5. Then Add the milk and grated cheese. and cook for a few more minutes without stopping stirring until the dough gains consistency. The normal consistency of croquettes.
  6. Then, we pour the dough into a tray and cover with transparent skin film.
  7. We let the dough cool for 15 minutes and then we take to the fridge and let it cool for a few hours or overnight.
  8. Then, we form the croquettes and we pass them through beaten egg and breadcrumbs.
  9. Last we fry in olive oil to enjoy the pumpkin and cured cheese croquettes.

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