Radishes properties


At any time of the year we have to be aware of the diet we have, being it always balanced, in order to always provide our body with the best so that it is strong, with defenses and without excess fat, that is why it is good that you know the properties and benefits of some foods, such as The radishes.

In the same way, tell you that radishes are a plant of the cruciferous family, like cabbages and three different types can be found, in white, black and redThe latter being the ones that contain more beneficial properties for the organism, that is why they are cultivated more. In ancient times it was taken a lot by Romans and Egyptians.

Thus, it should be noted that the Egyptians used radishes as daily food to have the necessary strength and energy with which to build the pyramids, together with other foods such as onion or garlic and cucumber, because they are known to have a large amount of vitamin C, a good antioxidant that eliminates all waste or toxins from the body.


On the other hand, mention that the intake of radishes, both in salad and alone is very beneficial because it helps the formation of collagen and strengthens bones and tendons, considering the juice of these a good healing in case of burns of diverse consideration. As it contains volatile sulfur as its main component, it is considered a good cancer cell inhibitor, which is why it is recommended to anyone to avoid cancer or improve disease.

Likewise, you should know that it also restores the intestinal flora, considerably increasing the bacteria necessary to protect it, making digestion not heavy, avoiding constipation or contrary symptoms, such as diarrhea. For its great fiber content, radishes are an important diuretic, providing the body with potassium, eliminating and purifying the kidneys.

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