Prepare this chestnut cake with a dense crumb

Chestnut cake

Wouldn't you like to have a cake like this on your breakfast table tomorrow? This chestnut cake is a seasonal cake that is especially enjoyed in autumn and winter. It is laborious just as I have done it, so I am going to deceive you, but you can make some trapdoor so that this is not the case.

If I like something about this cake, it is that it has a dense and tasty crumb in terms of flavor. Yes, it tastes like chestnuts, something that is appreciated considering that making the chestnut puree is the most expensive part of the recipe. That's if you do it yourself, because you can also buy it ready-made.

Once the chestnut puree is made, the cake itself does not entail any difficulty. And it is a generous cake, perfect for when you have guests. With a small cup of coffee, up to 12 people can enjoy it, taking into account that we have prepared it in a 22-centimetre mold. Try it!

The recipe

Prepare this chestnut cake with a dense and tasty crumb
This dense crumb chestnut cake is an excellent weekend breakfast or snack this time of year. Test it!
Recipe type: Dessert
Rations: 10
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • 380g. chestnuts (*or 250 g. chestnut puree)
  • 200 ml. whole milk (*if you use commercial chestnut cream you won't need it)
  • 180 g. of butter
  • 4 large eggs
  • 200 g. of sugar
  • 150 g. ground almonds
  • 100 g. pastry flour
  • 8 g. chemical yeast
  • 50g. icing sugar for finishing
  1. We make a small cross cut in each chestnut and blanch them in a pot for 10 minutes.
  2. Once done, we turn off the heat and remove the chestnuts from the water. in batches of five to peel them, since it is difficult to do so if they remain cold.
  3. Once peeled, we place 250 grams of chestnuts cut in half in a saucepan with milk and cook for 8 minutes over medium heat.
  4. Then we crush the mixture and we reserve.
  5. Then we melt the butter in the microwave until obtaining an ointment texture and separate the yolks from the whites, reserving the latter in the refrigerator.
  6. We beat the yolks with 170 grams of sugar and the butter in a large bowl until a creamy and homogeneous mixture is achieved.
  7. After we incorporate the chestnut cream and we beat until integrated.
  8. We preheat the oven at 180ºC and grease or line the removable mold.
  9. Next we mix in a large bowl ground almond, flour and yeast.
  10. We add the cream already prepared and mix with a spatula until all the ingredients are integrated.
  11. Then we take out the whites from the refrigerator, add the remaining sugar and assemble them.
  12. Once done, we add them to the mixture in two batches with enveloping movements to obtain an aerated dough.
  13. Now, We pour the mix into the mold and tap the countertop a few times so that the dough settles.
  14. Bake 45 minutes or until set when inserted with a toothpick.
  15. Then, we take it out of the oven and Let cool for 10 minutes before to unmold it on a rack.
  16. When it's cold sprinkle with icing sugar and we enjoyed the chestnut cake.

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