Mushrooms with prawns


INGREDIENTS (4 people):

  • 500 gr. of mushrooms of the different varieties on the market, including mushrooms, depending on the variety will be the flavor.
  • 250 gr. of frozen prawns peeled.
  • garlic, parsley, pepper and salt.
  • extra virgin olive oil.


The mushrooms are washed and the water is drained as much as possible, they are placed in a pan appropriate to their volume, divided into neither very large nor very small pieces and they are cooked without any ingredient so that they lose part of their water, when they are cooked. has consumed a little, add the oil, garlic, parsley, pepper and salt and cook over low heat for about 12 minutes. It ends incorporating the prawns already defrosted just the time they are cooked. It is plated by placing the mushrooms underneath and garnishing with several prawns on top. It is a very valid dish when you are going to have several things for starters.

See also Boletus carpaccio

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      blacksmith said

    they are finger licking good

      mainugo said

    they have to be super good .. tomorrow I will give them apéribo