Minced meatloaf and mashed potato

Minced meatloaf and mashed potato

With the arrival of Autumn our diet will be altered. The cold dishes that we like so much in summer will take a back seat. Hot dishes, like the one we prepare today, will then take on a greater role. Do you dare to prepare with us this fantastic Mince Pie and mashed potatoes?

The mince pie with mashed potatoes that we prepare today is a classic. It is an easy-to-prepare dish that the whole family tends to like. The ingredients used are basic and easy to find in any supermarket. To the above, you can add zucchini or aubergine, if you like.

Minced meatloaf and mashed potato
This meatloaf with mashed potatoes is a classic. A simple recipe to integrate into the weekly family menu.
Recipe type: Hair
Rations: 2
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • 300 grams of minced meat (beef and pork)
  • ½ large onion, chopped
  • ½ red bell pepper, chopped
  • ½ garlic clove minced
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt to taste
  • Black pepper
For the mashed potatoes
  • 3 medium potatoes
  • ½ cup of milk
  • 2 teaspoons of butter
  • Salt to taste
  • Nutmeg
  • Black pepper
To gratin
  • Grated cheese
  1. We peel the potatoesWe cut them into pieces and cook them in a saucepan with plenty of salted water for about 20 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, in a frying pan with a few tablespoons of oil, fry the onion, pepper and garlic. When they are tender, add the meat and season. We mix and cook for about 10 minutes.
  3. We add some tablespoons tomato and we mix again. We booked hot.
  4. Once the potatoes are tender, drain them and we smash with a fork in a bowl.
  5. Add the butter and milk to the mashed potatoes little by little, until achieving the desired consistency. Once obtained, add the salt, pepper and nutmeg and mix.
  6. Place the meat in a baking dish and on top, the mashed potato. We grate cheese on top and carry it baked to gratin for 8 minutes.
  7. We serve the meatloaf hot.


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