Lentil stew with carrot and mushrooms

Lentil stew with carrot and mushrooms

When autumn arrives and the temperatures drop, nothing is more desirable than a piping hot spoon dish. They are comforting, right? The lentil stew with carrots and mushrooms that I propose today, I guarantee you, is a fantastic alternative on days like this. You have to try it!

Stews and stews take time, so I always encourage you to cook a few more portions to refrigerate and eat a second day or freeze for the future. Lentils are quite quick to make but between one thing and another, it will take you no less than 45 minutes to have this wonderful stew ready.

Onion, garlic, carrot, mushrooms... How can these lentils not be good? I encourage you to prepare them during the weekend, when most of us have more time to cook. Tell me if I'm exaggerating or not when I say they are to die for.

The recipe

Lentil stew with carrot and mushrooms
If you're looking for a comforting dish for fall, try this lentil stew with carrots and mushrooms. It won't be the last time you try it, for sure!
Kitchen: Traditional
Recipe type: Legumes
Rations: 4
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • 320 g. lentils
  • 1 cebolla
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Carrots 3
  • 150 g. sliced ​​mushrooms
  • 100 g. mushroom
  • 1 teaspoon paprika sweet
  • 1 teaspoon chorizo ​​pepper
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • ½ teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1 glass of crushed tomato
  • Water
  • Sal Island
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  1. We chop the onion and the garlic and poach them in a saucepan with a splash of oil.
  2. Meanwhile, we peel and cut the carrots sliced ​​to add to the casserole along with a pinch of salt.
  3. When the vegetables have been poached for 10 minutes add the mushrooms and the chopped mushrooms and cook for a couple of minutes.
  4. Then add the lentils, the paprika, cumin and chorizo ​​pepper meat and mix.
  5. We pour the crushed tomato, we cover with water and we mix and then cook the whole thing over medium heat for about 20 minutes or until the lentils are tender.
  6. We serve the lentil stew

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