Kefta tagine

The tagines are one of the best known dishes of Moroccan cuisine and among them stand out the lemon chicken tagine, beef or lamb tagine with plums and almonds and, finally, the kefta tagine. The latter is the one that is cooked the most at home and the other two are reserved more for celebrations such as weddings, here (holiday that is celebrated on the seventh day of the birth of a baby), etc. Today in Kitchen Recipes we are going to prepare a kefta tagine:

Kefta tagine

Degree of difficulty: Easy

Preparation time: 20 minutes approx.



  • Half kilo of mince (in Moroccan kefta, hence the name of the tajine)
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 1 onion (I use 2 because they were small)
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • Sal Island to taste
  • 1 teaspoon of Comino
  • 1 teaspoon of peppers
  • 1 teaspoon of pepper
  • 2 or 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • A bunch of parsley and fresh coriander chopped (if you don't have coriander you can just use parsley)
  • A tablespoon of tomato concentrate (Optional)


Bring the tagine to a simmer with the olive oil so that it warms up and while cutting the onion in julienne. Once the oil is hot, add the onion. Normally the onion is cut into squares, but today it was time to hide it, so then I had to put it through the blender.

Kefta tagine

If you prefer to do it in a traditional way:

Once the onion is half transparent add the tomatoes diced and crushed garlic cloves. When they are undone add a glass of water and, if you wish, the tablespoon of tomato concentrate.

If you have to hide the onion like me:

When the onion is half transparent, pass it through the blender along with the tomatoes cut into cubes, the teeth of it and a glass of water. Once everything is crushed add it to the tajine.

Kefta tagine

We already have the sauce almost ready and from here on the procedure is the same, whether you used the mixer or not. Add the peppers, Cominohave shawl and pepper. Mix well and, when the sauce starts to boil, add the parsley and coriander chopped and mix again.

Kefta tagine

While it boils for a while, prepare the minced meat by making balls of the size you prefer. Traditionally, the tajine is not served in individual plates or eaten with cutlery, but everyone eats the tajine directly with pieces of bread, so I prefer to make small balls so that at mealtime it is easier. When you have made all the balls add them to the tagine and cover for 5 minutes

Kefta tagine

Turn the meatballs over and cover again for another 5 minutes to finish cooking on the other side. And nothing else! You already have your kefta tagine ready.

Kefta tagine

When serving ...

As I said before, the tajine is served as is and everyone eats from there (each one on their own side, of course). However, salads are served on individual plates and with cutlery.

Recipe suggestions:

  • Usually the kefta tagine also has a egg per person. In that case they would have to be added in the last 5 minutes so that they set and sprinkle with cumin and salt, as we can see on this other occasion that I made this tajine:

Kefta tagine with eggs

  • Some people add beaten eggs instead of whole eggs, a matter of taste.

The best…

I will always say it: The best thing about tajines is not only their slow cooking in clay, but also that many people can eat without having to later find a mountain of plates and cutlery to clean.It is a great advantage !.

Enjoy your meal and have a good weekend!

More information about the recipe

Kefta tagine

Preparation time

Cooking time

Total time

Kilocalories per serving 340


Meat Recipes

Dunya Santiago

I am a child education technician, I have been involved in the world of writing since 2009 and I have just become a mother. I am passionate about cooking, ... View profile >

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      Veronica cervera said

    Who says you have to wait? This is very tasty and you have to do it soon, hahaha.

         ummu aisha said

      Hello Veronica!

      I'm very glad you like it. I will be attentive, if you prepare it and publish it on your blog I will give you a note hahaha.

      Greetings and thank you very much for your comment