Today I bring you a recipe that takes time, but still it is not complicated and it is worth the try. It is about doing homemade spread cheese, ideal for those who like to lead a more natural way of life (without so much chemical added to food), prefer to know exactly what they are consuming or simply for lovers of home cooking.
Difficulty level: Medium
Preparation time: 1 hour + resting and setting time
- 1 liter of milk
- The juice of half a lemon
- 1 yogurt
- Salt to taste
Necessary material:
- Glass jars
- A jar with holes (we can use an empty butter jar and make the holes)
- Gauze fabric
- Another pot or any container in which we can put the first to drain, a bowl, a drainer, etc. can serve.
We put the milk to heat in a pot or saucepan, which does not come to boil, just heat it (you can check with your finger). When it is hot, add the yogurt and lemon juice, stir well so that there are no lumps. After this we distribute it in glass jars that have a screw lid and put them in an espresso pot that has hot water, tightly closed to keep the heat. The pot should be hot for 12 hours, it is not necessary to have the fire on or close the pressure cooker at any time. If it cools down, we can light the fire for a moment to reheat it and turn it off again.
Once 12 hours have passed we will have already obtained homemade yogurt, which could be consumed like this or by adding sugar, fruits, etc., but to make the cheese spread we have to put the pot over low heat for half an hour more, we will see that the yogurt will curdle and begin to release whey. Once it reaches that point we turn off the heat and let the pot cool completely.
Once it has cooled, place the gauze in the jar with the holes and add the cheese we have made, mixing it with salt to taste. We cover well with the gauze and press so that the serum comes out through the holes (it can be kept for other preparations). Then we let the pot continue to drain serum for a few hours, put it in the fridge and that's it.
In my case, I place the pot with the holes inside another pot in which it fits and leaves enough space underneath to drain well, you can see it better in the following image:
When serving ...
Just make yourself some toast and enjoy!
Recipe suggestions:
You can reserve a part without salt and use it later in other preparations, for example, if you beat it together with a little milk, sugar and a yogurt, you will get petit swiss.
The best…
The preparation takes time, but it is easy and we can add the amount of salt we want, even leave it without salt, so we can all enjoy the spread cheese.