Homemade Dulce de Leche


If you have heard of the delicious homemade Argentinian dulce de leche, here is a simple recipe for you to make at home:


  • 2 liters of milk
  • 1/2 kilo of sugar
  • 1 vanilla bean
  • 1 pinch of baking soda

Boil the milk, sugar and a vanilla bean, if you don't have it, you can replace it with liquid vanilla. Take special care so that it does not burn, and stir it with a wooden spoon from time to time and when the mixture begins to thicken add a pinch of bicarbonate, lower heat to low and cook until dark and thickened. Let cool in the refrigerator.

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      Silvia said

    This is a tip, because I saw the recipe for dulce de leche, I'm Argentine and for the sweet to come out perfect they have to add 3 or 4 to the saucepan where it is being cooked, here we call them "balls" in Mexico " marbles »those with which the children play. When the content boils, the balls move constantly and do not allow the sweet to burn.

      Graciela said

    Hello everyone. Hello Silvia. I also put the balls! and it doesn't stick to me. Of course, this time ... it cut me off. Do you or does anyone know a secret to save it? I am reluctant to throw it away since it has a flavor, color, great! but…. Thanks. i'm graciela

      mari said

    Hello! The recipe is very good, but how do you realize that it is "cut"? On the other hand, I would make some snacks (truffles) with that dulce de leche. Sweet cookie or cake remains are crushed manually and mixed with dulce de leche in the size you want. You can also add raisins, or pieces of walnut and even a little bit of liquor.
    Finally they are "breaded" or grated coconut or chocolate sprinkles ... the boys love not only to eat them but to make them

      Sandro said

    HIce the sweet and flavor came out well, only when I took it out, in less than 30 seconds. it dried up and it became hard like a hard candy, obviously I went over time, it was 1.30 hrs., it gives me the feeling that I should remove it before, when it takes the color, but when the consistency is still not seen, then its heat is still cooking it while it cools down, if someone else knows when to really remove it, leave your message lol.

      Carolina Hernandez said

    By not adding water to the ingredients, there is no risk that the sweet will harden and become a stick?

      cristian said

    It also made me hard, it seems to me that there is some little secret that they do not want to share with people ...

      jessica said

    well, I have made 4 attempts at homemade dulce de leche ... the 1st time it was also hard ... but I saw some videos and I realized that you have to remove it from the heat when it is still liquid, the best way to know is to put a tablespoon in Let a plate cool down a bit and then tilt the plate if it does not run, you have to remove the sweet from the heat. Then you have to continue stirring until it cools down a bit ... this is fast until you can "put" your finger in and try it. Depsue only pass it to the container that will save it. let cool out of the kettle before putting it in the fridge ...
    Well I tell you my problem with the sweet; It is with respect to the color ... I have always come out light brown, beige and I would like it to be dark ... they say that the color is given by the bicarbonate until I try to add more but it is not darker and I ruined the sweet ... I would like to know from someone who be the best possible ... and another thing is that (I do not know if it is because I am pregnant) but when I smell it I smell sweet milk ... and it does not smell like other homemade sweets ... I saw recipes that add glucose, did someone try that?
    Well I hope you can remove my doubts. Greetings from Central America

      irene said

    A bean is what in Spain we call a pod. Like a vanilla pod or a green bean pod ... we are the typical fruit of legumes (in which chickpeas, peas, beans are grouped in the plant ...)
    Thank you very much for the recipe, I am looking forward to preparing it, I am crazy since some Argentine friends gave me a box of alfajores, I am begging everyone who visits Argentina to bring me and I always finish in a day! he he

      Gallego said

    Hello, I am from Spain and about a month ago I made the dulce de leche for the first time, and the truth is that it came out perfect, it did not burn, nor did it stick in the pot (which was made of aluminum), I saw several recipes in which They changed the way to add the bicarbonate, some said, that I had to dissolve the bicarbonate first in a glass with a little warm water and others said, that I had to add the bicarbonate directly without diluting (about 2 teaspoons), in the end, opt mix the 2 forms (half of warm water with diluted bicarbonate and half of bicarbonate directly to the pot in 1 teaspoon), then I was constantly stirring making "8" with a wooden spoon and always in the same direction and on low heat, Sometimes I would stop for a few seconds and see that it changed color faster (or at least it gave me that feeling) and stirred again and so on, until it took the optimal color and you could already see the bottom of the pot in the areas by where the wooden spoon passed, at that moment, put aside the pot d the fire, fill the sink with cold water more or less half and put the pot in and kept stirring while it cooled a bit, after a couple of minutes, I put that dulce de leche in a pot and put it in the fridge (there refrigerator) so that it would just cool down, while my old lady was doing it all she did was scold me, what was she doing, what is it, how are you putting everything, what a way to waste a liter of milk but, when it got cold and I gave it a try, anyone would take the jar from her hahahaha, na more than I tried it, she told me that it reminded her of some candies that she drank as a child and that I also used to drink and that we loved in my house, they were called solanos candies and the flavor, it was exactly the same as dulce de leche.
    Isn't it bad to be my first time and on top of that I am a Galician? XD

    For this December 24, I'm going to do it again and I'm going to give it to my new 4-month-old nephew to try by wetting him, a little suck him to see if he likes it xD

         ummu aisha said


      What a beautiful experience, it was worth it that you put the lost kitchen hahaha. In my case it is my grandfather who liked those candies a lot and gave them to me when I was little, so I have very good memories of them. For the next time you can try a dessert, it is called Banoffee pie (it is eaten a lot in England) and it is very simple: simply assemble a layer of crushed biscuit (digestive type), a layer of dulce de leche, another of sliced ​​banana and finally one of chocolate. It can be decorated with cream or whipped cream and it is recommended to serve it in small glasses or something like that, because it is delicious but it is quite sweet.

      Greetings and thanks for your comment. Let's keep cooking!