High Cholesterol: Zucchini Zucchini Croquettes

For all those who suffer from high cholesterol, today's proposal is to prepare some appetizing zucchini croquettes to taste as a hot starter or to accompany dishes that contain chicken or baked fish fillets.


1/2 kilo of zucchini zucchini (grated)
1 cebolla
1 Carrot
minced garlic, to taste
chopped parsley, to taste
ground cumin, a pinch
Salt, a pinch
breadcrumbs, amount needed
common oil, quantity required


Process the onion and carrot and place these ingredients in a bowl, add garlic and chopped parsley to taste, the grated zucchini, 3 tablespoons of breadcrumbs, season with salt, and a pinch of ground cumin. Then mix all the ingredients well and make the croquettes.

Coat each of the croquettes with the breadcrumbs and reserve. Place the oil in a pot or pan and when it is hot, arrange the croquettes and fry them on both sides. When you remove them from cooking, drain them for a few moments in a dish covered with absorbent paper and then you can serve them.

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