Complete and healthy breakfast

Healthy and complete breakfast

They say that Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, since in it there must be each and every one of the nutrients that will help us get through the day with enough strength and energy. It is for this reason that we try from Kitchen Recipes that you flee from all the industrial pastries and the like and replace this with something healthier and healthier like the breakfast that we present today.

In this healthy and complete breakfast we have included a fruit juice, in this case the orange, rich in vitamin C, with a very satiating cereal bread, which we will spread with grated or crushed natural tomato and one or two sliced ​​cooked turkey, which will provide us with the necessary proteins in the morning. If you want to know the exact amounts that we have used for one person in this breakfast, keep reading the rest of the article.

Complete and healthy breakfast
A complete and healthy breakfast helps you face the day with energy. You should only complement it with a piece of fruit in the middle of the morning so that you do not need to eat anything else until lunchtime.
Kitchen: Spanish
Recipe type: Breakfast
Rations: 1
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • 2 slices of bread with cereals
  • 2 medium juice oranges
  • 1 medium tomato, crushed
  • 2 slices of cooked turkey
  • Olive oil
  • Sal Island
  1. For our juiceWe will only squeeze two medium-sized oranges that are ideal for making juice. In case of not being juice, we will need three oranges. You do not have to add anything else, although if you like the sweetest, we recommend one teaspoon honey to replace white sugar.
  2. For the solid part of our breakfast, we will use two slices of cereal bread (they satisfy more than normal bread slices) that we will toast previously on both sides. We will add a little olive oil and later we will smear it with the pulp of a medium tomato crushed. If you do not like the skin of the tomato, it is convenient to peel it before grinding it. On top we will add a pinch of fine salt and a slice of cooked turkey to each slice of bread.
  3. And ready! A rich, healthy and energizing breakfast to start the day on the right foot.
You can add a couple more fruits to the juice: apple, pear, avocado, etc.
Nutritional information per serving
Calories: 230


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