Healthy fruit breakfast

Healthy fruit breakfast

Perhaps because it is among my resolutions for this new year or perhaps because it should be present in the lives of each and every one of us, I bet lately on the healthy and easy-to-make breakfasts. What is a healthy breakfast for me? The one in which there is at least one piece of fruit and the one in which at least 80% of what is presented to us is 100% natural.

Today I bring you an example of this type of healthy breakfast. Is made with two oranges, a banana, honey, cinnamon and walnuts. As you can see, this breakfast meets the two requirements set out above: not only does it have one fruit in its content, but it also has 3 and it is totally natural.

Healthy fruit breakfast
Today's proposal is a healthy fruit breakfast: it gives you the energy you need for the whole day without extra calories.
Kitchen: Spanish
Recipe type: Breakfast
Rations: 1
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • 2 naranjas
  • 1 plátano
  • 50 gr. walnut
  • Ground cinnamon
  • 1½ tablespoon honey
  1. El orange juice es 100% natural and we do it ourselves by squeezing two oranges out of juice. If you like it to be a little sweeter, we will substitute the white sugar for a tablespoon of honey. Honey is much healthier, has many benefits for our body and is a 100% natural ingredient.
  2. El banana We peel it and cut it into small cubes. We add some Peeled nuts, a little ground cinnamon and half a tablespoon of honey.
  3. And ready! Healthy, delicious breakfast that gives us the necessary energy to get through the morning.
You can add some raisins or goji berries to the banana with walnuts and cinnamon if you like.
Nutritional information per serving
Calories: 170




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      Angel Eduardo Rosas Perez said

    Hello, I am very happy to see and read the recipes, I would like to follow you.


         Carmen Guillen said

      Thank you very much Angel! We look forward to your next visits 🙂


           joseph corniolo said

        How much protein should my breakfast have?

      Roberto Sule said

    Greetings Carmen
    I think that people tend to have a confusion regarding breakfast, many of you think the ideal is to eat a bacon with egg or a well-sweetened cereal but the truth is I have a different thought, the truth for me one has to eat very complete and varied, so that there are different foods that provide a wide range of nutrients and thus be able to perform during the day. I think the idea you present is very good since you offer variety and flavor, with important foods in the morning such as fruits (banana), walnuts, in fact adding the orange gives it a special touch since it is said to be a healthier drink for breakfast. I would recommend you to read this article: healthy breakfast that I would complement from different keys to prepare a good breakfast, at least they suggest adding peas and peaches, as well as reducing the consumption of meats and even knowing yourself better. Making a good meal is not easy, but when you understand better, combining foods becomes easier.