If there is something that I personally enjoy, it is the weekend breakfasts. It is in those two days when I most insist on making a complete breakfast, which I will take with all the parsimony possible and without stress and rush in between.
A very frequent one in my last weeks is one that contains a little of everything, which makes it a somewhat more caloric meal than normal but also very complete. If you want to know everything I do to that appetizing bowl that you see in the picture, keep reading below. A complete, healthy and rich breakfast that will not cost you anything to become fond of.
- 125 ml skim milk
- 1 'light' banana yogurt
- 1 plátano
- 3 tablespoons of cereals
- 1 tablespoon honey
- Dark chocolate shavings
- Choose the bowl that you like the most and then add all the ingredients that we have indicated in the previous section: first the skimmed milk And then the banana yogurt previously hand churning. We stir well with the help of a teaspoon to bind both ingredients.
- Next we add to the mixture the cereals together with the Chocolate chips, banana cut into thin slices and on top, to give a touch of garnish and also sweetness, a tablespoon rosemary honey (although it can be any type of honey).
- Stir everything very well and try it, you are going to love it!