Complete, healthy and rich breakfast

Complete, healthy and rich breakfast

If there is something that I personally enjoy, it is the weekend breakfasts. It is in those two days when I most insist on making a complete breakfast, which I will take with all the parsimony possible and without stress and rush in between.

A very frequent one in my last weeks is one that contains a little of everything, which makes it a somewhat more caloric meal than normal but also very complete. If you want to know everything I do to that appetizing bowl that you see in the picture, keep reading below. A complete, healthy and rich breakfast that will not cost you anything to become fond of.

Complete, healthy and rich breakfast
Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, if not the most important. Enjoy it! Take what gives you energy to face the passing of the hours.
Kitchen: Spanish
Recipe type: Breakfast
Rations: 1
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • 125 ml skim milk
  • 1 'light' banana yogurt
  • 1 plátano
  • 3 tablespoons of cereals
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • Dark chocolate shavings
  1. Choose the bowl that you like the most and then add all the ingredients that we have indicated in the previous section: first the skimmed milk And then the banana yogurt previously hand churning. We stir well with the help of a teaspoon to bind both ingredients.
  2. Next we add to the mixture the cereals together with the Chocolate chips, banana cut into thin slices and on top, to give a touch of garnish and also sweetness, a tablespoon rosemary honey (although it can be any type of honey).
  3. Stir everything very well and try it, you are going to love it!
You can add a touch of cinnamon and also some nuts, such as walnuts or raisins.
Nutritional information per serving
Calories: 330


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