Harvest croquettes

The harvest croquettes They're very good. These that I propose are from the stew meat, I like to add a lot of chicken when I prepare the broth and it always remains. So I take the opportunity to make croquettes I freeze them and I always have them to accompany a meal.

The harvest croquettes are very simple to prepare, a bit entertaining but worth doing at home.

Surely these holidays you will have some leftover food, take advantage of them by making these croquettes, you will surely like them.

Harvest croquettes
Recipe type: starters, tapas
Rations: 4-6
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • Cooked chicken 350 gr. approx.
  • 1 medium onion
  • 30 gr. of butter
  • 2-3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 300 ml. milk approx.
  • A glass of broth 100 ml (if you do not have it, add milk)
  • 3 tablespoons flour
  • Nutmeg
  • Sal Island
  • 2 eggs
  • Bread crumbs
  1. We take the meat or chicken from the stew and clean it of bones and fat. We chop it small with scissors.
  2. In a pan we put the oil to heat together with the butter and we will add the chopped onion.
  3. When the onion begins to turn color, add the chopped chicken and sauté it all together.
  4. We will add the flour and let it cook a little with all the chicken, so that later it does not taste like raw flour.
  5. We will add the liquid, we will start with the broth, little by little and stirring without stopping so that it thickens. If you do not have broth in your league we will put milk.
  6. Then we will continue with the milk, the amount is approximate, we will continue pouring until the dough peels off.
  7. It should not be too soft or too hard, as the dough cools it hardens a bit.
  8. We will put the dough in a container, cover it with plastic wrap and leave it in the fridge for about 8 hours or overnight.
  9. We will prepare two containers in one we will put the beaten eggs and in another the breadcrumbs and we will form the croquettes. First we will pass it for egg and then for breadcrumbs.
  10. We will place them in a source.
  11. We will fry them in a pan with a lot of hot oil.
  12. We will remove them and we will put them on kitchen paper, so that the excess oil drains.
  13. And ready to eat !!!


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