Hake noodles

Hake noodles

The noodles They are one of my favorite dishes and not only because they have thick noodles, but because it takes little time to make. Being such a simple and fast recipe they are great for when there is not much time to cookSo get a pencil and paper.

In addition, it is a recipe great for the little ones Since by simulating a little fish between the noodles they will love them and they will not put any problem at lunchtime.


  • 1 onion and a half.
  • 1 large green bell pepper.
  • 2 red tomatoes.
  • 3 garlic cloves.
  • 3 frozen hake fillets.
  • 400 g thick noodles.
  • Olive oil.
  • Fish broth or water.
  • Salt
  • Parsley.
  • Thyme.


First of all, we will have to defrost the hake frozen. If it is fresh, much better, although if there is a rush this is the best option. You will have to watch carefully that there are no thorns.

We will start with a stir fried garlic, onion, pepper and tomato. All well minced, we will put it in a pan over medium heat and we will poach it little by little, stirring every few minutes so that it burns. We will crush this and pour it back into the same pan.

Then, we will incorporate the fish broth, salt, thyme and parsley and we will let the flavors bind. In addition, we will cut the hake into medium cubes and incorporate it in the pan so that they are cooked in the same sauce.

When we see that the fish is only 5-10 minutes away, we will add the noodles and a glass of water. We will cook some 10 minutes until noodles are tender and the water has been consumed a little.

More information about the recipe

Hake noodles

Preparation time

Cooking time

Total time

Kilocalories per serving 278

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