Today I propose to make a nutritious bread with gluten-free chuño flour, constituting a fundamental food to incorporate into the celiac diet and with the contribution of being able to prepare both breads and biscuits, cookies and pizzas.
3 tablespoons cornstarch
3 tablespoons of chuño flour
5 eggs
Salt, a pinch
Place the egg whites in a bowl and beat until stiff. Separately, in another container, beat the yolks until they take on a foamy consistency and then combine the two preparations.
Add a pinch of salt, the corn starch and the chuño flour (previously sifted) and stir the mixture with enveloping movements. Turn the dough into a loaf pan, greased with butter and sprinkled with chuño flour. Cook in the oven at a very low temperature for approximately 30 minutes. Finally, when the bread is cooked and turns golden, turn off the oven and let it cool in it.
Hello. I would like if someone knows how to make chuño cookies with chuño flour, give me the recipe
I need to know if cornstarch is cornstarch? Thank you
I made the recipe but when I turned it off and after a while I went to see the bread had gone down, why did that happen?