Celiacs: gluten-free split banana ice cream

To make this delicious gluten-free ice cream, we will use bananas or plantains as nutritious food, constituting a healthy and refreshing sweet dessert.


3 ripe bananas
120 cc of skimmed milk
120 cc of fresh cream
80 grams of sugar
30 grams of chopped gluten-free chocolate
3 tablespoons of gluten-free dulce de leche


In a bowl beat the cream until it thickens and meanwhile blend the bananas together with the milk and sugar. Then, to this preparation add the whipped cream, with enveloping movements and the chopped chocolate.

Next, pour the mixture into a mold and take it to the freezer of the refrigerator. When an hour of cold has passed, add the gluten-free dulce de leche and mix. Reserve the ice cream in the freezer until ready to consume.

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