Gluten-free tuna and vegetable empanada

Gluten-free empanada

Currently, there are already enough culinary options for those people who are allergic or intolerant to some type of food. Today, for example, we present a homemade pie option for those people with celiac disease who cannot try anything with gluten. It is done with a gluten-free special dough, which is already sold in many supermarkets and the filling is basically the same as a normal homemade pie. In this case it is specifically a gluten-free tuna and vegetables empanada.

We hope you like it, not only to celiacs or wheat intolerant but to anyone who wants to try it. It is delicious and very juicy!

Gluten-free tuna and vegetable empanada
The gluten-free tuna and vegetable empanada will appeal to everyone, whether they are celiac or not. Do you want to try it?
Kitchen: Spanish
Recipe type: Starters
Rations: 4
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • 2 gluten-free puff pastry
  • 2 green peppers
  • 1 red pepper
  • 3 cans of tuna
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • 1½ onion
  • Fried tomato
  • Olive oil
  • Sal Island
  • Oregano
  1. In a small pot, we put the 2 eggs to boil. Meanwhile, we stretch the dough to make it ready to fill.
  2. Then, in a frying pan, we are going to make the stir-fry of all vegetables: the 2 green peppers, the red pepper and the onion and a half. All well washed and cut into small cubes. Previously we will add a little olive oil. When our vegetables are well fried, we add the canned tuna (with the oil previously drained). We stir well and mix with the vegetables.
  3. The next thing will be to add the amount of fried tomato that we want (to taste), a pinch of salt and oregano (to taste). The last thing will be to take the two eggs already cooked and cut into small cubes.
  4. With all this we will have the filled with our special gluten-free dough.
  5. Next, we place one of the doughs on the baking tray, to serve as a base and we fill it evenly. Once this is done, we place the other dough on top to cover it and we are folding the edges with the help of a fork, without leaving any gaps to close.
  6. We put in the preheated oven about 220 ºC about 20 minutes. We prick the dough from above with a fork so that it does not catch air. And voila, we set aside when we consider that the dough is cooked.
If you like another type of filling you can vary this point.
Nutritional information per serving
Calories: 325

Remember that if there is some food left over, here you can learn how freeze patty to eat it another day without any problem.

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