Celiacs: gluten-free beet gnocchi

We will prepare a simple gluten-free recipe for all those who suffer from celiac disease to enjoy it as a main dish and accompany it with different sauces or extra virgin olive oil.


500 grams of beets
100 grams of cornstarch
100 grams of grated cheese without gluten
50 grams of butter
1 egg
Salt, pepper and nutmeg, to taste


Peel and cut the beets into chunks and bring them to a boil. Then drain them and make a puree. Let it cool for a few minutes, add the cornstarch, the egg, the butter and a little grated cheese and season to taste. Mix the preparation well and prepare the gnocchi in the usual way.

Finally, cook them in a pot with boiling water and a pinch of salt and when they rise to the surface, drain them and serve the portions accompanied with the chosen sauce.

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