Keto bread without flour!

keto bread

A bread without flour? I can't help but try this type of recipe as if it were an experiment. I also think it's a great resource for those days when we haven't bought bread, we get home late and we fancy a mixed sandwich for dinner. Does it usually happen to you? From now on you can resort to plan B: Plan keto.

It can also become plan A for many, for all those, specifically, who have a gluten intolerance, since it is made with egg, oil, almonds, yeast and salt. Ingredients, on the other hand, easy to find and that we usually have in our pantry.

This bread, in addition, is prepared in a few minutes. In 90 seconds of micro, specifically. For that reason alone, it's worth trying, don't you think? I have made it in a mold with a 12×12 centimeter base, but you can make it in one a few centimeters smaller and then open it in half. Will you dare to try it? With the pumpkin and orange jam that we prepared a few weeks ago is delicious.

The recipe

Keto bread without flour!
Keto bread is a flourless bread that you can prepare in the microwave in just 90 seconds. Ideal to prepare some toast or a sandwich.
Recipe type: Snack
Rations: 1
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 egg⠀
  • 35 g ground almonds ⠀
  • 1 teaspoon of yeast ⠀
  • A pinch of salt ⠀
  • A pinch of dried oregano
  1. We mix all the ingredients in a bowl with the help of a fork or some manual rods.
  2. Let's pour the mixture into a round or square container with a flat base and slightly high walls and take it to the microwave.
  3. We cook 90 seconds at maximum power.
  4. Then, we take it out of the microwave, unmold it and toast it to make some toast or a sandwich.


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