Exotic Chicken Delights in 10 Minutes

Sometimes we have something left over and we don't know what to do or we want to cook and we only have a few ingredients in the fridge. In those situations is when imagination is most needed, but the best thing is that we can surprise ourselves inventing recipes which are then incorporated into our frequent menu.

In this case, what I had left over was a piece of chicken, specifically the breast. I also had a little onion already cut from those times when I think «I put it aside just in case»And in the end I don't use it. Also in this recipe we incorporate the turmeric a indian spice known not only for its medicinal benefits, but also for its point aphrodisiac that will give the dish a special touch.

Exotic Chicken Delights in 10 Minutes

Degree of difficulty: very easy

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Ingredients for 1-2 people:

  • 1 chicken breast
  • 1 garlic clove
  • A piece of onion
  • A tablespoon of olive oil
  • Half a teaspoon of turmeric
  • Pepper to taste
  • Sal Island to taste
  • A small handful of black olives


Put the tablespoon of oil in a pan and let it heat up. Meanwhile, cut the garlic clove sliced ​​and the piece of onion in julienne. When the oil is hot, add the garlic and onion and let them simmer. When ready add the chicken breast cut into cubes, the turmeric, pepper, shawl and olives black. Add 3 or 4 tablespoons of water and let everything cook until the sauce reduces.

Exotic Chicken Delights in 10 Minutes

So easy and fast, you already have your exotic chicken delicacies ready to enjoy.

Exotic Chicken Delights in 10 Minutes

When serving ...

Accompany it with boiled rice and, for a luxurious presentation, try using a plating ring. If you do not have you can use a bowl a cup or jar small, simply put the rice inside, squeeze it a little with the help of a spoon, and then carefully pour it onto the plate. Other accompaniment options may be a small boiled potatoes or even chips, but the calories would increase considerably.

Recipe suggestions:

  • Instead of black olives you can use green, red ... The ones you like the most.
  • You will be able to enjoy this recipe even without having any leftover chicken. Just buy the breasts you need and that's it, keep in mind that a few more minutes will be added to the cooking.
  • If you like the hot spicy you can add a pinch of strong paprika o p.
  • You can use other pieces of chicken instead of the breast, for example, thighs.

The best…

If you usually have frozen chicken breasts or thighs, they can be served in an emergency, for example, if unexpected guests come. Just defrost the breasts and in about 15 minutes you will have a plate of indian style than to serve your guests. If you also complete the menu with a simple and delicious dessert, you will be the perfect host.

More information about the recipe

Exotic Chicken Delights in 10 Minutes

Preparation time

Cooking time

Total time

Kilocalories per serving 190

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      eneri said

    Well, I just have some chicken fillets that I don't know what to do with them and your idea seemed great to me. I love turmeric and I would add strong paprika as you recommend, because I love hot pepper!

      World said

    You'll see how delicious! Accompany it with a little rice and serve it by the light of some candles. And for dessert dip some strawberries in melted chocolate (up to half). You already have an aphrodisiac dinner that is easy and inexpensive. )

    Kisses pretty and thank you very much for stopping by!

      Violeta said

    Where can I get turmeric?
    I loved the recipe but I would add green olives because I don't like black ones.
    A kiss

      ummu aisha said

    Hi Violeta!

    With green olives it will be great, you'll see ^ _ ^

    You can get turmeric at El Corte Inglés, at the Gourmet Club. They are glass jars of the Onena brand.

    Greetings and thank you very much for your comment : )

      Violeta said

    Hi, thanks for your help. I made it for dinner with green olives and it turned out very well. In the end I asked a friend and went to buy turmeric at the market. Thanks a lot

         ummu aisha said

      Hi Violeta!

      Thanks to you, I am glad that you could find the turmeric and that you could enjoy the recipe; )

      Greetings and thank you very much for your comment