Diabetics: nutritious salad of celery, apple and yogurt

We will prepare a nutritious salad of celery, apple and yogurt for all diabetics to enjoy as a light starter or to accompany a portion of lean beef or baked fish.


1 small tender celery
Carrots 2
Manzana 1
2 tomates
1 pot of natural yogurt
Salt and pepper, a pinch
juice of one lemon


First peel and dice the apples and sprinkle them with a little lemon juice, then cut the carrots into fine julienne strips, the celery into pieces and the tomatoes into slices.

Place all these foods in a salad bowl or platter, season with a pinch of salt and pepper and lemon juice. Finally, pour the yogurt over it, stir well and you can serve the portions.

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      edna said

    I want some filthy easy recipes I have a pinchi kitchen task