Diabetics: fish fillets with spinach sauce

This delicious hot meal is a healthy recipe and we will use fish fillets as nutritious food for all those who suffer from diabetes, being a healthy preparation with the contribution of vitamins, minerals, calcium and iron.


8 hake fillets
1 1/2 cup cooked spinach
200 grams of natural skimmed yogurt
juice of 1 lemon
5 tablespoons grated cheese (low calories)
1 clove of garlic, finely chopped
chopped parsley, to taste
Salt and ground pepper, to taste


Sprinkle the fish fillets with salt and ground pepper, sprinkle them with the lemon juice and cook them in a pot with a water base along with some leeks or basil leaves to give them a good flavor.

Arrange them on a baking sheet. Next, mix the yogurt and processed spinach with the garlic and then sauté the fillets. Sprinkle them with the grated cheese and gratin them for a few minutes in a high-temperature oven and when you serve them sprinkle them with the chopped parsley.

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      olga hoarse said

    The recipe for escado is very good, but when I ate it it seemed to me that it had something as if it had been passed through flour, for example, but I am a diabetic and it would not do me well, very good, I hope to find more recipes