Diabetics: cabbage stew or Brussels sprouts with potatoes

A special recipe for all diabetics is to prepare a healthy Brussels sprouts or cabbage stew with potatoes to enjoy this hot dish at lunch or dinner, being an ideal food to consume in the winter season due to its nutritional value in vitamins, minerals and proteins.


1/2 kilo of Brussels sprouts or sprouts
500 grams of potatoes
1/2 lilo of tomatoes
2 onions
1 green pepper
750 cc of water
oregano, to taste
fresh basil leaves, to taste
Salt and ground pepper, a pinch
grated cheese, amount needed


Wash the potatoes and boil them in a pot of water and then set them aside. Once cool, remove the skin and cut them into pieces. Wash the cabbages and boil them in a pot of water for 15 minutes and drain. Separately, cut the pepper into chunks and the onions into rings.

Pour the water into a pot, heat it and add the onions, the pepper and when you see that they are tender, add the tomatoes cut into pieces, the cabbages, the cut potatoes and some basil leaves. Season with a pinch of salt, pepper, and oregano. Cook the stew for a few minutes and serve each plate sprinkled with a little grated cheese.

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