Cream cheese dip with celery and walnuts

With a tasty cream cheese, celery, some vegetables and nuts we will prepare an exquisite dip to spread strips of whole wheat bread, which will result in exquisite canapes to taste as a cold starter for any occasion.


2 celery white, chopped
250 grams of very tasty cream cheese
50 grams of chopped walnuts
1 green onion, chopped
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
1 tablespoon dressing (mustard)
Salt and pepper, taste
lemon juice, to taste
whole wheat bread slices cut into strips


In a bowl, mix the cream cheese with salt, pepper, lemon juice and the dressing (mustard).

Then add the celery, walnuts, parsley, and green onion. Finally, mix these ingredients very well and spread the strips of whole wheat bread. If you do not use the cream at the moment, store it in the refrigerator covered with plastic wrap.

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