Cold melon soup with ham

Melon cream with ham shavings

A cold melon soup with ham, an easy and fresh starter, a healthy summer plate of fruit

Melon is a very good fruit and perfect for hot days, as it contains a lot of water, many vitamins and few calories. To make this recipe, it is better to be ripe, so the melon sweet and the rest of the flavors are a good combination.

Cold melon soup with ham
Recipe type: Starters
Rations: 4
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • ½ kilo of melon
  • 5 tablespoons of liquid cream
  • A little bit of nutmeg or black pepper
  • A little bit of salt
  • Cured ham shavings
  • Olive oil (optional)
  • White vermouth (optional)
  1. We split the melon and remove the pipes, remove a few balls with a scoop or a teaspoon and reserve.
  2. Cut the rest of the melon into pieces and put it in a bowl, with the cream, a pinch of nutmeg or pepper if you like and a little salt.
  3. We will crush everything, if we like the cream that is finer we will pass it through the Chinese. We will taste it with salt and leave it to our liking.
  4. We will leave it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours or until it is time to serve it, it must be very cold.
  5. When we go to prepare it, we take a few glasses or in glasses and we will put a few melon balls that we have reserved.
  6. We cover with the very cool cream and we will put on top some strips of ham, some melon ball and a drizzle of oil if you like.
  7. If you want to give more flavor to the soup and there are no children, you can put a few tablespoons of white vermouth, it is great and gives it another flavor.
  8. Clever !!!


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