Coffee and bread with oil and sugar, Andalusian breakfast

Coffee and bread with oil and sugar, Andalusian breakfast

Small we used to eat it, good for have breakfast on weekends when there were not many hurries because there was no school or to picnic, at the grandparents' house. The bread with oil and sugar is typical of Andalusia, and it could be said that it is a traditional snack and breakfast from when there was not all the assortment of sweets that there is today, and when money was scarce.

It is a breakfast that is still made in many schools in Andalusia for the day of the Andalusian community and in many houses, such as mine, it is usually done, although very sporadically. Surely you have eaten it at some time but you haven't eaten it for a long time… And surely seeing this image and this recipe has given you the "bug" of eating it again. If so, don't be shy! It is a healthy snack and nothing hypercaloric as is believed.

We tell you how to make this simple step by step recipe.

Coffee and bread with oil and sugar, Andalusian breakfast
Coffee and bread with oil and sugar, Andalusian breakfast, although it could also be perfectly a snack. Healthy and tasty!
Kitchen: Andalusian
Recipe type: Breakfast-Snack
Rations: 1
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • Coffee to taste (with milk, alone, etc.)
  • 2 slices of bread
  • Olive oil
  • Sugar
  1. Cut the 2 slices of bread and pass them through a roaster previously so that they brown a little and are crispy.
  2. Once browned to taste, pour over each of them a drizzle of olive oil.
  3. As a last step, sprinkle some white sugar for each of the slices.
  4. And ready! You already have your Andalusian breakfast with toast of bread with oil and sugar.
  5. Quick, easy and delicious!
Nutritional information per serving
Calories: 200


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      Antonia sanchez said

    Those Antequera muffins !!

      Gourmet Online Shop HOME DELICATESSEN said

    Aii ... what memories of childhood