Cookie, mocha and chocolate cake

Chocolate mocha cookie cake

This biscuit, mocha and chocolate cakeIt is linked to that of my family and I suppose that of many others. For a long time it has been a favorite as Birthday cake or dessert at various parties. Once you do it, everyone will ask you to repeat it.

It is a simple and comfortable cake, since no oven required. A cake that you can prepare in advance and that keeps perfectly in the fridge, making it possible for you to enjoy it lasting 5 or 6 days without problem. The combination of the mocha with the chocolate is fantastic and the cake gives a lot if it is not to eat large portions!


For 6-8 people

  • 1 package of Cuetara square cookies
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1 teaspoon nescafe
  • 200 g. Dark chocolate coating
  • 2 tablespoons of liquid cream 35% mg

For the filling

  • 250 g. margarine
  • 4 tablespoons icing sugar
  • Yolks 2
  • 1 teaspoon nescafe
  • Milk, the necessary to dilute the nescafé.

Chocolate mocha cookie cake


We start by preparing the mocha cream that will serve as a filler. To do this, beat the margarine, four tablespoons of icing sugar and two egg yolks in a bowl until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Next we add 1 teaspoon of nescafe diluted in milk and mix until integrated. We booked.

Dilute a tablespoon of coffee in a glass of warm milk. We pour the mixture into a tray that is comfortable for us to dipping the cookies before assembling our cake. The objective is that they take on a coffee flavor, but they should not become too soft, we must be able to remove them from the tray without breaking them.

We begin to assemble our cake. We put a layer of cookies on the bottom and then with a silicone trowel we spread part of our cream on top. We repeat these two steps 4 times and finish with a layer of cookies.

We put in the fridge and prepare our coverage in the meantime, melting Bain-marie the chocolate and combining it with two tablespoons of cream. When we have it ready, we pour it on our cake and let it cool.


I like to use the Cuétara cookies Because we are more resistant when it comes to dipping them in milk but I have also used Gullon's Tropical Creme, although I love its flavor more delicate.

More information - Birthday cake with pastry cream and chocolate

More information about the recipe

Chocolate mocha cookie cake

Preparation time

Total time

Kilocalories per serving 450

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      Coronado Rose said

    Hello, good afternoon, encourage me to prepare this dessert, even though I don't know much about this lot of desserts. I have doubts about some ingredients, you say 35% cream, what amount would be in grams, I bought milk cream, because they told me that it was the same. Then you say milk a cup of milk, but the milk has to be evaporated (can) or fresh milk (drinkable). Please your support…. Thank you…



         Maria vazquez said

      Good morning Rosa, I am glad that you are encouraged to prepare it. As for the liquid cream, it is two tablespoons. 35% refers to the fat in the cream ... there are lighter creams that are used for kitchens and others with higher fat that can be whipped. The one I have used is one of the latter. As for milk, I used semi-skimmed milk, but you could use whole as well.