Chicken meatballs in carrot sauce

Chicken meatballs in carrot sauce

How I like meatballs! I don't make them very often, but the day I get around to it I prepare a generous amount of meatballs that I then freeze in small serving containers. This is how I did it with these Chicken meatballs in carrot sauce that were finger-licking good.

You can make them from beef, mix beef with pork or use minced chicken. The carrot sauce It fits perfectly with each and every one of the versions and even with some more that I have not mentioned such as lamb meat. Also, if you have any left over you can use it to prepare some smashed eggs or brighten up a pasta dish.

But back to the chicken meatballs in carrot sauce. The result is very soft, very pleasant. And preparing them won't take you long; The sauce is very simple and while it is cooking you can shape and fry your meatballs. Dare to do them!

The recipe

Chicken meatballs in carrot sauce
If you like meatballs and have some time to prepare some, try these chicken meatballs in carrot sauce, very soft and tasty.
Recipe type: Rice
Rations: 4-6
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • 650 g. minced chicken meat
  • 1 egg
  • Sal Island
  • Oregano
  • Black pepper
  • Garlic powder
  • Flour (XNUMXg)
  • Olive oil
  • 1 cebolla
  • 1 leek
  • 1 green pepper
  • Carrots 3
  • ½ teaspoon curry powder
  1. We start by preparing the sauce. For it chop the onion and carrots and poach them in a large saucepan with three tablespoons of hot oil.
  2. When they start to soften we add the leek and cook over medium heat for a few minutes until it softens.
  3. So, we salt and pepper, Add the curry and cover with water.
  4. We mix and cook over medium heat for approximately 15 minutes, time that we use to make the meatballs.
  5. To prepare the meatballs mix the minced chicken meat with the egg, a pinch of salt, pepper and oregano.
  6. Once we have a good mix we shape the meatballs taking small portions of dough.
  7. At this point the sauce will be ready, we will just have to crush it and put it back on the fire.
  8. Once done we coat the meatballs in flour and brown them in a pan using a little oil.
  9. As we fry them We add the meatballs to the casserole with the hot sauce. When they are all done, bring to a boil and cook for a couple of minutes so they finish cooking inside.
  10. Now we just have to enjoy the chicken meatballs in carrot sauce

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