Quesada with cinnamon

Today I propose a cheesy with cinnamon, a family recipe that is passing and it is a tradition to make it. There are many versions of quesadas, they are all very good, this one that I bring has a lot of cinnamon flavor, if you like it, you will like this cake a lot.

It is one of my favorite desserts, I recommend it to prepare in any celebration, it is very easy to do and from one day to the next it is even better.

Quesada with cinnamon
Recipe type: Desserts
Rations: 8
Preparation time: 
Cooking time: 
Total time: 
  • For the measurements we will use a glass of water.
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 glass of sugar
  • 1 glass of flour
  • 2 glasses of milk (I skimmed)
  • 2 tetrabriks of 200ml cooking cream each
  • cinnamon powder
  1. The first thing we will do is turn on the oven at 180ºC. We will spread a round mold with a little butter. It is better that the mold is a little high, since it rises a little in the oven, then it goes down, the dough is very liquid and if you put it in a mold that is demolished it can come out.
  2. We will take a bowl and add all the ingredients, except the cinnamon.
  3. We will beat everything quite well until there are no lumps left.
  4. Then we will put it in the mold that we have prepared with the butter and flour.
  5. Once we have put it in the mold we will cover it with cinnamon to taste, I cover everything well.
  6. We put it in the preheated oven and we will have it for 20 min. at 180º once this time has passed, we will lower the oven to 150º for about 20 or 25 min. depending on the oven, you will have to look at it and insert a toothpick until it comes out dry.
  7. We will remove it from the oven, let it cool before removing it from the mold. We unmold.
  8. And ready to eat!!!


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      Monica said

    It looks great, of course. There is something that is not clear to me, the glass of flour goes in the dough mixed with the other ingredients or is it to flour the mold nothing else ??? Thanks.

         Montse Morote said

      Hello Monica, the glass of flour goes along with the other ingredients, all crushed with the mixer. It sure looks very good on you, in my house it is very successful.
      All the best

           Monica said

        Thanks, Montse. We will prepare it for sure. Greetings