Celiacs: gluten-free corn crackers

To be enjoyed at any time of the day, we will prepare nutritious gluten-free corn biscuits for all celiacs, made entirely with permitted and healthy foods.


500 grams of corn flour
250 grams of butter
180 g caster sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla essence


Place the creamy butter in a container and add the sugar. Mix these ingredients until you get a smooth dough. Then, add the egg, the vanilla essence and mix again.

Next, pour in the cornmeal and mix again until the dough is formed. Knead for a few moments and spread it out on a flat surface. Cut the cookies with the help of a cutter and distribute them on a baking sheet previously buttered and sprinkled with gluten-free flour. Cook the cookies in a medium-heat oven for approximately 15 minutes. Remove them and let them cool before consuming.

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      Melina Maple said

    Super the recipe, thank you very much

      Melania said

    Unfortunately, corn hurts half of those with celiac disease, because it contains corn zein, which is molecularly equal to wheat gluten. And many do not finish improving because many gluten-free products contain corn flour.