Battered prawns, a very simple and very good tapa or appetizer. Breaded shrimp are a classic, in summer on the terraces...
Battered prawns, a very simple and very good tapa or appetizer. Breaded shrimp are a classic, in summer on the terraces...
Marinated chicken, they are a delight, the battered chicken is delicious and very juicy and if we marinate it even better. Prepare...
We are going to prepare some garlic potatoes, a simple and economical dish. Potatoes are very versatile, with them we can...
Prawn curry, a traditional Indian dish that you will really like. Curry is a spice with a lot of flavor, which...
Galician-style clams, a very simple dish, a traditional Galician recipe. An ideal dish for an aperitif or a...
Ham and cheese omelette, a delicious and wonderful very juicy omelet. Tortillas are one of the most...
Mushrooms in garlic sauce, now that we are in mushroom season, we can make many recipes, they are easy to prepare,...
Omelet with onion and eggplant, delicious, light and very good, easy to prepare. Tortillas can be prepared with everything...
Chicken Wings With Barbecue Sauce. A simple recipe that is very popular, a sauce that goes very well with...
Crispy battered fish, a simple and very good dish ideal for those who don't like fish much, especially...
Spinach and mozzarella quiche, a very delicious and easy to prepare savory cake. This cake can be prepared with...