Potato and cheese croquettes
The potato and cheese croquettes are a delight, they are ideal for any time, an appetizer, to accompany any dish...
The potato and cheese croquettes are a delight, they are ideal for any time, an appetizer, to accompany any dish...
Spinach pancakes, simple and delicious. This is one of those quick dishes to take advantage of that leftover spinach and...
Salty vegetable cake, a very delicious cake. A traditional savory tart from French cuisine, it has a base of...
Battered squid are a good tapas or a good main course. Calamari is a typical dish of...
Battered prawns, a very simple and very good tapa or appetizer. Breaded shrimp are a classic, in summer on the terraces...
Mini pizzas with sliced bread, the ideal dinner to prepare with the family. Sometimes we don't feel like complicating things...
Potatoes stuffed with tuna. A delicious, simple and economical dish, with ingredients that we always have at home. It also has tuna...
Sausages with sliced bread, ideal for a dinner, snack or appetizer, these rolls are great. They are also ideal...
Baked spinach and cheese omelette, the perfect combination, this omelette or baked salty cake is very good....
Fish, garlic and parsley croquettes, delicious and easy to make, ideal for introducing fish. We can make them from...
Bacon and cheese cake, a delicious cake that is made with sliced bread and grilled in the...