Canapés with tuna cream and smoked salmon
Christmas is coming to an end but there are still some pending celebrations and many more that will happen in the future...
Christmas is coming to an end but there are still some pending celebrations and many more that will happen in the future...
Eggs stuffed with tuna and crab sticks, a fresh dish ideal for summer. In summer you only want dishes...
These delicious eggplant and ricotta bites are ideal for any occasion. It is an easy recipe to prepare and perfect...
Today we are going to make these simple cooked ham and cheese puff pastries, a simple recipe that will solve more than...
It hasn't happened to you many times that you make white rice and you always have some left over. Well, today I give you...
We start the weekend with a simple recipe ideal to serve as a starter: fried potatoes, bacon and cheese....
Today we prepare a simple starter that has foie as its protagonist. It could be micuit, foie mousse... I don't know...
Crudités with blue cheese sauce Crudités can be our easy ally at a family lunch or dinner or...
Ajoblanco de Almería This recipe is typical of the province of Almería, it is an entable based on...
Hummus is an internationally known Arabic recipe. It is made from cooked chickpeas but if you don't like them...
Don't let anyone tell me that they don't like romanescu or cauliflower because it will mean that you have never eaten them...