Peppers stuffed with meat and vegetables
Peppers stuffed with meat and vegetables, a delicious dish ideal as a starter. Ideal to start a party meal or...
Peppers stuffed with meat and vegetables, a delicious dish ideal as a starter. Ideal to start a party meal or...
Pineapple inverted cake, a very juicy cake and full of flavor. A simple and easy recipe to prepare, ideal...
Puff pastries filled with chocolate, a very simple and quick snack to make. If we have puff pastry we can prepare so many recipes...
Fish, garlic and parsley croquettes, delicious and easy to make, ideal for introducing fish. We can make them from...
Bacon and cheese cake, a delicious cake that is made with sliced bread and grilled in the...
Bread, chocolate and orange pudding. Without an oven, a delicious dessert, simple and easy to prepare. A recipe that...
Wind fritters, the Lent season is approaching and wind fritters cannot be missed. These fritters are the...
We are going to prepare rice with condensed milk, a very sweet delight. Rice pudding is an ideal dessert...
Heura's croquettes are a delight. Heura is a vegetable meat made from soy that has...
Candied artichokes, delicious, ideal for making an appetizer. If you like artichokes, making them at home is good and...
For a light dinner there is nothing better than preparing dishes with puff pastry, on this occasion I bring you a puff pastry...